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openmpi与ifort设置问题 [复制链接]

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发表于 2017-01-08 20:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 西乡新丰客 于 2017-01-08 21:03 编辑

我觉得问题是不是在于在根目录下编译fortran程序时,只能用gfortran,而我的gfortran又并没有安装好,所以只有一个进程,重复了np次,而在主目录~/下,由于我在bashrc中写入来openmpi以及ifort的路径,所以可以用ifort来编译。而现在在根目录下仍然是只能用gfortran来编译串行的fortran程序,而不能用ifort来编译,会提示sudo:ifort找不到命令。我想,是不是只要我在根目录下能用ifort编译串行的fortran程序,就可以正确安装openmpi了。这之前出想的./configure --prefix=/***/ F77=ifort FC=ifort所出现的错误也就会没有了。我已經用root下source了/.bashrc以及/etc/profile还是没有用处。
另外有帖子说:“openmpi设置fortran编译器,通过 man mpif90查到在/usr/share/openmpi/mpif90-wrapper-data.txt里面修改配置,内容的话一看就知道了。”我也试过将mpifort-wrapper-data.txtcompiler中compiler参数修改为ifort也没有效果。

下面就是在用./configure  --prefix=/***/  F77=ifort   FC=ifort出现的提示,但我已經检查了一遍环境配置which ifort是我安装的目录。而且我的ifort可以编译*.f90的fortran文件,为什么还说我的ifort安装有问题?
*** Fortran compiler
checking whether we are using the GNU Fortran compiler... no
checking whether ifort accepts -g... no
configure: WARNING: Open MPI now ignores the F77 and FFLAGS environment variables; only the FC and FCFLAGS environment variables are used.
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking if Fortran compiler works... no
* It appears that your Fortran compiler is unable to produce working
* executables.  A simple test application failed to properly
* execute.  Note that this is likely not a problem with Open MPI,
* but a problem with the local compiler installation.  More
* information (including exactly what command was given to the
* compiler and what error resulted when the command was executed) is
* available in the config.log file in the Open MPI build directory.
configure: error: Could not run a simple Fortran program.  Aborting.

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