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fake oakleys cheap sale [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-04-12 17:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
"Would you mind coming to the box-office a few moments before you
dress?" observed the manager fake oakley sunglasses, in addition.  "There's a little
matter I want to speak to you about."
"Certainly," replied Carrie.
In that latter place the manager produced a paper.
"Now, of course cheap oakleys," he said, "we want to be fair with you in the
matter of salary.  Your contract here only calls for thirty
dollars a week for the next three months.  How would it do to
make it, say, one hundred and fifty a week and extend it for
twelve months?"
"Oh, very well," said Carrie, scarcely believing her ears.
"Supposing, then, you just sign this."

without at first realising who was meant.  Then suddenly it came
to him and he read the whole thing over again.
"That's her fake oakleys, all right, I guess," he said.
Then he looked about upon a dingy, moth-eaten hotel lobby.
"I guess she's struck it," he thought, a picture of the old
shiny, plush-covered world coming back, with its lights, its
ornaments, its carriages, and flowers.  Ah, she was in the walled
city now! Its splendid gates had opened, admitting her from a
cold, dreary outside.  She seemed a creature afar off--like every
other celebrity he had known.
"Well, let her have it cheap oakleys," he said.  "I won't bother her."
It was the grim resolution of a bent, bedraggled, but unbroken
Chapter XLIV
When Carrie got back on the stage, she found that over night her
dressing-room had been changed.
"You are to use this room fake oakley sunglasses, Miss Madenda," said one of the stage
No longer any need of climbing several flights of steps to a
small coop shared with another.  Instead, a comparatively large
and commodious chamber with conveniences not enjoyed by the small
fry overhead.  She breathed deeply and with delight.  Her
sensations were more physical than mental.  In fact, she was
scarcely thinking at all.  Heart and body were having their say.
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