shijiang1130 发表于 2016-10-01 23:36

Erlang/OTP 19.1 has been released

Written by Henrik, 21 Sep 2016

Some highlights of the release are:
[*]erts: Improved dirty scheduler support. A purge of a module will not have to wait for completion of all ongoing dirty NIF calls.
[*]erts: Improved accuracy of timeouts on MacOS X.
[*]kernel: Add net_kernel:setopts/2 and net_kernel:getopts/2 to control options for distribution sockets in runtime.
[*]asn1: Compiling multiple ASN.1 modules in the same directory with parallel make (make -j) should now be safe.
[*]httpd: support for PUT and DELETE in mod_esi
[*]~30 contributions since 19.0
You can find the Release Notes with more detailed info at can download the full source distribution from
Note: To unpack the TAR archive you need a GNU TAR compatible program. For installation instructions please read the README that is part of the distribution.You can also find the source code at in the official Erlang repository. Git tag OTP-19.1
The Windows binary distributions can be downloaded from can also download the complete HTML documentation or the Unix manual files
You can also read the documentation on-line here:
(see the Release Notes mentioned above for release notes which
are not updated in the doc, but the new functionality is)

We also want to thank those that sent us patches, suggestions and bug reports.If you find bugs in Erlang/OTP report them via the public issue tracker at http://bugs.erlang.orgThe Erlang/OTP Team at Ericsson

patagonia2 发表于 2016-10-17 10:40

Er 真的很好!{:yxh5:}

patagonia2 发表于 2016-10-17 10:43

erlang:open_port(spawn, ...) 3-5 times faster
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查看完整版本: Erlang/OTP 19.1 has been released