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'Unbelievably, guilinescort I still hadn't [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-06-02 11:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
I still hadn't
All from peddling what Dr Cummings describes as 'a very dangerous drug'. Poisonings 'On the clubbing scene, I would say that GBL poisonings are a daily occurrence,' he said. Dr Cummings believes that up to 20 people may have already died, including one of his patients and the partner of a patient. GBL can damage your kidneys, liver and the lining of your stomach - it's supposed to be used as a paint stripper, remember - and can lead to psychosis. The coroner recorded an open verdict. Cause of death: drowning coupled with intoxication. Addiction Student Katherine King became addicted to GBL last year. 'I shared a flat in London and my friends ordered it over the internet and it arrived the next day in a small package. It was really cheap, convenient and got them high. 'I was lonely and bored and
didn't need much prompting to have a go. I started using it at weekends and the buzz was amazing. Then I began to take it after a bad day at work. realised I was addicted until I experienced a panic attack at work. I hadn't taken a dose for five hours and my system simply couldn't cope without GBL. 'I couldn't speak, my mouth was dry, I was sweating and my eyes filled with tears. I couldn't stop shaking. I had heart palpitations and liver pains because of the toxins. I was terrified.' Eventually, Katherine went to her GP, qwertzk61 who prescribed anti-depressants. She moved away from London and the party scene, and has been clean for eight weeks. 'I am sleeping properly again and have put on weight. I have enrolled on a university course and am determined never to go back to those dreadful days. It nearly destroyed me. It terrifies me how easily it's available.' The previous year, dividends totalled almost ?400,000. Parked on the drive of their home this week were a BMW 135i and a Mini Cooper.
'My usual personality began to disappear and I was permanently in a bad mood. The only thing that seemed to help was GBL.
Among the deaths
that have also been linked with GBL is that of Sarah O'Dowd, aged 24. She was found drowned in the bath by her husband at their home in Holt Park, Leeds, in October 2007. Miss O'Dowd, a university graduate, is believed to have fallen asleep after taking a combination of GBL and ketamine, a sedative popular with clubbers.
Her mother Anne, a nurse, who lives in Nottingham, is still too upset to talk about the tragedy. But a relative said: 'You never recover from something like that. Her mother will never forget the police turning up to tell her Sarah had died. She didn't believe it at first. It has devastated our family and we'll never be the same again. 'Anne had seen Sarah just a few weeks before she had died. It was her birthday and we all went out to celebrate.'
I still hadn't
All from peddling what Dr Cummings describes as 'a very dangerous drug'. Poisonings 'On the clubbing scene, I would say that GBL poisonings are a daily occurrence,' he said. Dr Cummings believes that up to 20 people may have already died, including one of his patients and the partner of a patient. GBL can damage your kidneys, liver and the lining of your stomach - it's supposed to be used as a paint stripper, remember - and can lead to psychosis. The coroner recorded an open verdict. Cause of death: drowning coupled with intoxication. Addiction Student Katherine King became addicted to GBL last year. 'I shared a flat in London and my friends ordered it over the internet and it arrived the next day in a small package. It was really cheap, convenient and got them high. 'I was lonely and bored and
didn't need much prompting to have a go. I started using it at weekends and the buzz was amazing. Then I began to take it after a bad day at work. realised I was addicted until I experienced a panic attack at work. I hadn't taken a dose for five hours and my system simply couldn't cope without GBL. 'I couldn't speak, my mouth was dry, I was sweating and my eyes filled with tears. I couldn't stop shaking. I had heart palpitations and liver pains because of the toxins. I was terrified.' Eventually, Katherine went to her GP, qwertzk61 who prescribed anti-depressants. She moved away from London and the party scene, and has been clean for eight weeks. 'I am sleeping properly again and have put on weight. I have enrolled on a university course and am determined never to go back to those dreadful days. It nearly destroyed me. It terrifies me how easily it's available.' The previous year, dividends totalled almost ?400,000. Parked on the drive of their home this week were a BMW 135i and a Mini Cooper.
'My usual personality began to disappear and I was permanently in a bad mood. The only thing that seemed to help was GBL.
Among the deaths
that have also been linked with GBL is that of Sarah O'Dowd, aged 24. She was found drowned in the bath by her husband at their home in Holt Park, Leeds, in October 2007. Miss O'Dowd, a university graduate, is believed to have fallen asleep after taking a combination of GBL and ketamine, a sedative popular with clubbers.
Her mother Anne, a nurse, who lives in Nottingham, is still too upset to talk about the tragedy. But a relative said: 'You never recover from something like that. Her mother will never forget the police turning up to tell her Sarah had died. She didn't believe it at first. It has devastated our family and we'll never be the same again. 'Anne had seen Sarah just a few weeks before she had died. It was her birthday and we all went out to celebrate.'


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