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HP9000 MP 管理 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2009-08-12 10:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

1.1. 连接MP
在HP Integrity Server中有一块MP卡,该卡负责对系统的状态进行监视和控制。该卡在系统插上电源后即被激活,无论操作系统是否启动,系统是否开机。该卡提供了串行和网络两种接口可供访问。
对于RX2600类型的机器,在后面板上有一个25针的接口,该接口在写着MP Management的一个框中,使用随机带的1对3接口(一边25针接口,另一边3个九针的接口),把串口线一边接到3个九针接口中写着“console”的接口上(串口线的线序为1-1,2-3,3-2,4-6,5-5,6-4,7-8,8-7,9-9),另一边接到笔记本上的串口上,然后可以使用Windows自带的超级终端程序对系统进行访问。
对于RX4600类型的机器,可能没有25针接口,而有三个九针的串口,其中之一为Local Console,则把串口线的一端接到Local Console口即可。
Bits per second
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow Control
Host address
1.1.2. 管理MP
在输入Ctrl+B后,系统应该提示登陆,在其中输入用户名Admin和口令Admin,注意大小写完全匹配,然后登陆。进入系统后便进入到MP的管理界面 。
VFP(Virtual Front Panel)
Lc (Lan config):
pc(Power Control):
1.2. 安装HP-UX
1. 安装前的准备:
2. 在屏幕上将看到:
"rocessor is booting from fist availiable deviceTo discontinue.press any keuy within 10 seconds"
Main Menu……………………………………………. Command DescriptionBoot[PRI|ALT|;] Boot from specified path……………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………………………Main Menu : Enter command >;
3. HP-UX11.0CoreOSInstall/Update/Recovery放入光驱或DVD,
4. 键入命令SEA,系统会查询硬件设备的物理路径:
Main menu :Enter command >;sea(例如)
Path Number Device path Device TypeP0 8/4.5 Random access media
P1 8/4.9 Random access mediaP2 … …………
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > search
Searching for potential boot device(s)
This may take several minutes.
To discontinue search, press any key (termination may not be immediate).
Path# Device Path (dec) Device Type
----- ----------------- -----------
P0 1/0/0/3/0.6 Random access media
ERROR: PDH NVRAM and I/O card NVRAM SCSI parameters
do not match for path 1/0/0/3/1
Search aborted. The SCSI parameters for this card
must be corrected from the BCH Service menu.
To correct this problem, follow these steps:
1If already at the "Main Menu," type ser (for "Service Menu"); go to step 2.
If not already at the "Main Menu," type main (to return to the "Main Menu"),
type ser (for "Service Menu"), then go to step 2.
2In the "Service Menu," type the following command:
scsi path default
where path is the HBA's path (the hw_path in the error message).
This sets all of the SCSI parameters for the path to their default values,
which will correct the unmatching SCSI parameters.
Type main to get back to the "Main Menu."
5. 根据'device path如:8/4.5'与机器前门内标注(D250)确定光驱或DVD的路径,假设为P1 8/4.9键入命令bo p1回车:Main Menu:Enter command>;bo p1
6. 系统会询问是否要进行交互访问,要输入 n回车
Interact with IPL? >; n
注意: :接下来可能出现屏幕乱码现象,解决方法:User System ,屏幕底出现8个小亮块,最右边一块为 F8,8个亮块发生变化,其中有一个为 ,F5, 进入TERMINAL CONFIGURATIONJIEMIAN界面,将TERM MODE项的值改为EM100,然后按F1,保存设置
7. 系统要求选择安装方式:
Welcome to the HP-UX installation/recovery process!Use the ; key to navigate between fields,and the arrow keys Within fields.Use the ;key to select an item .Use the ;or ;to pop-up a choices list.If theMenus are not clear,select the "Help" item for more information.[Install HP-UX ][Run a Recovery Shell][Advance Options ]选择[Install HP-UX],回车继续。
8. 屏幕出现:
User Interface And Media OptionslllllllllSource Location Options:
· Media only installation[ ] Media with Network enabled(allows use of SD depots)[ ] Idnite-UX server based installationUser Interface Option:
· Guided Installation (recommand for basic installs)[ ]Advanced Installation
选择 · Media only installation · Advanced Installation两项为选中状态,然后OK.
9. 屏幕出现:
Basic Software System File system AdvancedConfigrations:[……………………………………….] [ Description…]Environments:[……………………………………....] [HP-UX B.11.00][Root Disk….]……………………………………………………………File System :[Logical Volume Manager ; with VxFS ][Root Swap(MB)]…… Physical Memory (RAM) =……[Languages…….]…… [Keyboards…] [Additional….]
10. 选中File System,在这里可以修改各系统文件的空间大小.
Type Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
Type Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol3 1048576 87200 953880 8% /
hfs /dev/vg00/lvol1 393392 42352 311696 12% /stand
vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol9 12582912 904936 11586800 7% /var
vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol8 25165824 1560488 23420984 6% /usr
vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol7 1048576 20008 1021232 2% /tmp
vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol6 15388183 3019237 10830127 22% /oracle
vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol5 4194304 3187056 999440 76% /opt
vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol4 6291456 4600768 1677504 73% /home
Mount Dir L2000(MB) UsagePrimary
swap xxx Swap+D/ xxx VxFS
/stand xxx HFS
/var xxx VxFS
/usr xxx VxFS
/Tmp xxx VxFS
/Opt xxx VxFS
/home xxx VxFS
如果屏幕上的各个文件系统的缺省值与用户要求不一样,要进行修改, 每次修改之后要按Modify项确认,以便保留设置。设置完毕,GO,继续下一步。
11. 接着系统会提示被安装的硬盘上的原有数据将被破坏,选GO,继续。
12. 这时候系统文件的安装开始,屏幕显示,
Loading configuration utilitys……..*Starting system configuration…….*…………………………………..………………………………………
13. 重启后,,系统要求配置网络
Are you ready to link this system to a network? Press[y]for yes or [n] for no .then press [Return]键入y,回车
14. 系统询问是否使用DHCP
Do you wish to use DHCP to obtain networking information ?Press [y] for yes or [n] for no .then press [Return]键入n,回车
15. 系统询问是否继续下面的主机名。Ip地址。时间的配置:
*Your system name (host name)*Your internet protocol (IP0 address.*Your time zoneAre you wish to continue (answering no will HALT the system)?Press [y] for yes or [n] for no .then press [Return]键入y,回车
16. 接着下一个画面底下两行将显示:
Enter the system name ,,then press [Return].Just pressing [Return]will keep the (not recommended)name "unhost":
You have chosen root as the name for this system .Is this correct?Press [y] for yes or [n] for no .then press [Return]键入y,回车
17. 屏幕要求你选择你所在的位置:
1 North America or Hawaii
2 Central America
3) South America
4) Europe
5) Africa
6) Asia
7) Australia,New Zealand Enter the number for your location (1-70then press [return]键入6,选择Asia ,然后回车
18. 接下来要求选择时间:
Select your time zone from the following list:
1)Western Russia
6)Phillipines,hongkong,Eastern China ,Taiwan
3)Pakistan Korea
9)Unlisted time zone
10)Previous menu
Enter the nunber for your tiiiiiime zone(1-10),then press [Return]键入6,回车继续
系统会询问选择是否正确:Is this correct ?Press [y] for yes or [n] for no .then press [Return]键入y,回车
19. 屏幕显示:
The current system time is --------------Is this correct?Press [y] for yes or [n] for no .then press [Return]看系统的时间是否正确,如果不需要修改,键入y,回车
20. 系统询问是否想设root的密码:
Do you want to set the root password at this time?Press [y] for yes or [n] for no .then press [Return]键入y,回车,系统提示输入新密码,键入密码,回车继续
21. 系统要求输入IP地址:
Enter your IP address,then press [Return]or just press [Return] to selectDefault address:输入IP地址192.168.21.216,回车,屏幕出现:
You have chosen------as the IP address for this system,Is this correct ?Press [y] for yes or [n] for no .then press [Return]如果觉得输入的IP没有错误,键入y,回车确认。
22. 屏幕出现:
You may configure some additional network parameters at this time :*Subnetwork Mask and Default Gateway*Domain Name System(DNS)*Network Information Service(NIS)Do want to configure these additional network parameters?Press [y] for yes or [n] for no .then press [Return]键入y,回车
23. 接下来系统问是否要设置子网掩码和网关:
*Subnetwork mask*Default gateway IP addressDo you wish to specify this information ?Press [y] for yes or [n] for no .then press [Return]键入y,回车
24. 屏幕底行出现:
The subnetwork mask shown above is the system default value and possibly should be changed.Enter the new subnetwork mask,then press [Return]or just prss [Return] to use the default value above:输入你要的子网掩码255.255.255.0,回车
25. 接着系统要求输入网关:
Enter the gateway IP address,then press [Return]输入网关192.168.21.1,回车
26. 系统询问刚才的输入是否正确:
Are the parameters above correct?Press [y] for yes or [n] for no .or [c] to cancel ,then press [Return]确认无误,键入y,回车之后,系统显示:
Are you continue ?确认继续后,回车。
27. 系统询问是否进行DNS设置:
To configure DNS you will need to known the :*Local domain name*DNS server IP addressDo you wish to specify this information ?Press [y] for yes or [n] for no,then press [Return]键入n,回车。
28. 系统询问是否设置NIS
Do you wish to specify NIS client information ?Press [y] for yes or [n] for no .then press [Return]键入n,回车。
29. 在屏幕出现Press [Return] to continue ……时,回车继续。
30. 接着又出现Press [Return] to continue ……时,回车继续
31. 这时候屏幕出现进程检测状态,然后用户便可登录系统了,安装结束。
32. 进入SAM Disks and File System Fil system中查看各文件系统的大小等各种信息是否与要求一致。
Mount Dir L2000(MB) UsagePrimary
swap xxx Swap+D/ xxx VxFS
/stand xxx HFS
/var xxx VxFS
/usr xxx VxFS
/Tmp xxx VxFS
/Opt xxx VxFS
/home xxx VxFS

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