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[数据库] OCILogon() coer on Aix [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2013-11-25 15:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
      应用程序进程core,每次用dbx看是core在oracle的 OCILogon()调用(如图1)。该应用程序是多线程程序,经过分行注释发现,在子线程里申明某几个类的对象就会core(每次core在OCILogon调用),而申明这几个类对象的指针就没有问题,这几个类都是项目组其他人封装的,有很多程序都会调用,这个core的程序的主线程也有申明这些类对象的,但没有core。用IBM的调试工具purify编译该程序,编译过程中会有一个警告(如图2),联系AIX的技术人员,AIX技术人员说是ORACLE的那个库链接的问题,这个程序在其它平台上是没有core的(Window+Oracle11g、Solaris10+Oracle11g、Linux+Oracle11g),我很迷惑,想请各位高手帮忙分析分析。

1、        平台AIX6.1 + Oracle11g(,由于自己的应用程序是32位,机器上同时装了oracle11g的服务端和客户端,在ORACLE_HOME目录下建立lib32的链接,链接到oracle client的lib目录,应用程序调用的是32位的libclntsh.so。

2 [报告]
发表于 2013-11-25 15:59 |只看该作者

0xdc86c08c (read+0x2c) 9421ff20        stwu   r1,-224(r1)
(dbx) where
read.read(0x12, 0x30f99d3e, 0x80000000) at 0xdc86c08c
nttrd(??, ??, ??, ??, ??) at 0xde8d840c
nsprecv(??, ??, ??) at 0xde996f6c
nsrdr(??, ??) at 0xde9924a4
nsdo(0x30f812d0, 0x44, 0x30ee0d80, 0x30ee0560, 0x30ee0550, 0x0, 0x3) at 0xde989328
nsbasic_rc(??, ??, ??, ??, ??) at 0xde9b1d90
nsrecv(??, ??, ??, ??, ??) at 0xde9b4508
nsnareceive(??, ??, ??) at 0xde9ea9ac
nacomrc(??) at 0xde765758
na_receive_packet(0x30f8a3f8, 0x1) at 0xde747e4c
na_client(0x30f8a3f at 0xde74d8e0
naconnect(0x30f81374, 0x30ee2450) at 0xde74f020
nsnadoconn(??, ??, ??) at 0xde9e484c
nsnaconn(??, ??) at 0xde9e219c
nscall(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) at 0xde970df0
niotns(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) at 0xdf482000
nigcall(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) at 0xdf48e224
osncon(0x0, 0xa2, 0x1803, 0x30f7119c, 0x30f6dab0, 0x30f6daa8, 0x30f6da34, 0x30f6dae4) at 0xdf48e0ec
kpuadef(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) at 0xde393758
upiini(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x30f64c00, 0x30f64e20, 0x30f6508 at 0xde3a9d14
upiah0(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) at 0xdeba2104
kpuatch(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) at 0xde392e24
kpulon(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) at 0xde3944b0
OCILogon(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) at 0xdead0878
COraDbWrap::Login(char*,char*,char*,unsigned int,std::vector<TErrorMsg,std::allocator<TErrorMsg> >&(this = 0x304de420, user_name = "iscs", passwd = "naritech_zhjkb", server = "", mode = 1, err_vec = &(...)), line 233 in "COraDbWrap.cpp"
CDbCommCli::Login(char*,char*,char*,unsigned int)(this = 0x30eca830, user_name = "iscs", passwd = "naritech_zhjkb", login_str = "", mode = 1), line 862 in "db_comm_sql_client.cpp"
CModelDataSync::SyncData(void*)(arg = 0x2ff1e72, line 326 in "model_data_sync.cpp"

har,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >& const
ld:0711-224 警告:重复符号:std:ut_of_range::~out_of_range()
ld:0711-224 警告:重复符号:std:ut_of_range::_Doraise() const
ld:0711-224 警告:重复符号:std:ut_of_range:ut_of_range(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&
ld:0711-345 使用 -bloadmap 或 -bnoquiet 选项获取详细信息。
Purify 7.0.1 091009 AIX (32-bit L) (C) Copyright IBM Corporation. 1992, 2009 All Rights Reserved.  
Instrumenting: db_model_server.
Purify engine: Note: *Warning*! File (/users/oracle/product/11.2.0/client/lib/libclntsh.so)
was marked for exclusion, but option -exclude-libs has not been specified!
Exclusion might cause spurious errors to be reported unless -exclude-libs is specified!

Instrumented ../../../compiled/aix/bin/db_model_server is ../../../compiled/aix/bin/db_model_server.

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