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Welcome Docker to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server [复制链接]

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发表于 2014-06-18 12:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 韩永忠 于 2014-06-18 12:51 编辑


Lightweight virtualization is a hot topic these days. Also called “operating system-level virtualization,” it allows you to run multiple applications or systems on one host without a hypervisor. The advantages are obvious: not having a hypervisor, the layer between the host hardware and the operating system and its applications, is eliminated, allowing a much more efficient use of resources. That, in turn, reduces the virtualization overhead while still allowing for separation and isolation of multiple tasks on one host. As a result, lightweight virtualization is very appealing in environments where resource use is critical, like server hosting or outsourcing business.
近日“轻量级虚拟化” 成为了一个热门话题。它也称为“操作系层的虚拟化”,它允许您在一个主机上运行多个应用程序或系统管理程序。优点是显而易见的:由于它没有间隔在主机硬件 和操作系统之间的hypervisor虚拟化管理层,以实现更有效的资源利用。由此带来的效益是,减少了虚拟化开销,同时仍然允许在一个服务器中分离并隔 离多个任务。因此,“轻量级虚拟化”在以资料使用为关键业务的环境中是非常吸引人的,比如服务器托管或外包业务(如:云计算、大数据等)。

One specific example of operating system-level virtualization is Linux Containers, also sometimes called “LXC” for short. We already introduced Linux Containers to SUSE customers and users in February 2012 as a part of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2. Linux Containers employ techniques like Control Groups (cgroups) to perform resource isolation to control CPU, memory, network, block I/O and namespaces to isolate the process view of the operating system, including users, processes or file systems. That provides advantages similar to those of “regular” virtualization technologies – such as KVM or Xen –, but with much smaller I/O overhead, storage savings and the ability to apply dynamic parameter changes without the need to reboot the system. The Linux Containers infrastructure is supported in SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 and will remain supported in SUSE Linux Enterprise 12.

Linux Containers(Linux容器,有时也称为“LXC”)是一个典型的操作系统层虚拟化例子。我们已经在2012年2月发布的SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2版本中为SUSE的客户及用户引入“LXC”容器。“LXC”容器采用类拟于Control Groups (cgroups)的技术进行资源隔离控制,包括:CPU、内存、网络、I/O和名称空间,以此在操作系统中隔离各个过程的可视范围,包括:用户、进程或 文件系统。它提供的功能类似于“普通”的虚拟化技术——如KVM或Xen,其优势在于可以实现更低的I/O开销,节省更多存储存储空间并可实现在不重新启 动虚拟系统的情况下动态调整参数(译者:这可以提高虚拟化性能并带来更高的灵活性)。SUSE Linux Enterprise Linux 11版本直接支持“LXC”容器架构,对它的支持也将延续到SUSE Linux Enterprise 12版本中。

Now, we are taking a next step to further enhance our virtualization strategy and introduce you to Docker. Docker is built on top of Linux Containers with the aim of providing an easy way to deploy and manage applications. It packages the application including its dependencies in a container, which then runs like  a virtual machine. Such packaging allows for application portability between various hosts, not only across one data center, but also to the cloud. And starting with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 we plan to make Docker available to our customers so they can start using it to build and run their containers. This is the another step in enhancing the SUSE virtualization story, building on top of what we have already done with Linux Containers. Leveraging the SUSE ecosystem, Docker and Linux Containers are not only a great way to build, deploy and manage applications; the idea nicely plugs into tools like Open Build Service and Kiwi for easy and powerful image building or SUSE Studio, which offers a similar concept already for virtual machines. Docker easily supports rapid prototyping and a fast deployment process; thus when combined with Open Build Service, it’s a great tool for developers aiming to support various platforms with a unified tool chain. This is critical for the future because those platforms easily apply also to clouds, public, private and hybrid. Combining Linux Containers, Docker, SUSE’s development and deployment infrastructures and SUSE Cloud, our OpenStack-based cloud infrastructure offering, brings flexibility in application deployment to a completely new level.

现 在,我们正踏上新的台阶以进一步加强虚拟化战略,我们在此为您介绍新的 Docker 功能。Docker 建立在“LXC”容器的基础上,目的是提供一种简单的方法来部署和管理应用程序。它将应用程序进及其依赖关系打包到一个容器里,然后运行虚拟机。这样的打 包方法允许应用程序实现了在不同主机之间的可移植性,不仅在同一个数据中心可以迁移,在云平台中也可以进行迁移操作。在SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12中我们计划为客户提供 Docker 功能,这样客户就可以开始使用它来构建和运行他们的容器。这是为提高SUSE虚拟化功能的新的举措是新的历史的一页,它构建在我们已经支持的“LXC”容 器之上。利用SUSE的生态系统,Docker 和 “LXC”容器将不仅仅只是一个用来构建、部署和管理应用程序的优秀的方式,我们的想法是通过巧妙地接入 Open Build Service (开放构建服务) 和 Kiwi 以实现方便和强大的图型化部署,又或都是通过 SUSE Studio 实现此功能,以提供与类似于现有虚拟机已经实现的批量部署概念。Docker 实现快速原型和快速部署过程十分简单,因此当结合Open Build Service (开放构建服务)时,这样一个优秀的工具结合,使得开发人员可以在一个统一的工具中支持各种版本的平台。这对于未来而言是至关重要的,因为这些平台很容易 应用于公有云、私有云和混合云。结合 “LXC”容器、Docker、SUSE的开发和部署架构以及SUSE Cloud (基于OpenStack的云基础架构),SUSE的应用程序部署灵活性将到达一个全新的水平。

Introducing Docker follows the SUSE philosophy by offering choice in the virtualization space, allowing for flexibility, performance and simplicity for Linux in data centers and the cloud.
引进 Docker 遵循SUSE哲学,为虚拟化架构提供更多选择的空间,实现数据中心和云计算的灵活性、高性能和简单管理。

原文:Welcome Docker to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

日期:2014-02-26 13:45:082015年迎新春徽章
日期:2015-03-04 09:54:452015年辞旧岁徽章
日期:2015-03-03 16:54:15羊年新春福章
日期:2015-02-26 08:47:552015年亚洲杯之卡塔尔
日期:2015-02-03 08:33:45射手座
日期:2014-12-31 08:36:51水瓶座
日期:2014-06-04 08:33:52天蝎座
日期:2014-05-14 14:30:41天秤座
日期:2014-04-21 08:37:08处女座
日期:2014-04-18 16:57:05戌狗
日期:2014-04-04 12:21:33技术图书徽章
日期:2014-03-25 09:00:29
2 [报告]
发表于 2014-06-18 13:58 |只看该作者

3 [报告]
发表于 2014-06-18 16:55 |只看该作者
回复 2# humjb_1983

    RHEL7 有官方支持的docker的模块,但此模块的RPM包并不在ISO里面,需要购买了RHEL7的产品才能获取相应的软件包。

日期:2014-02-26 13:45:082015年迎新春徽章
日期:2015-03-04 09:54:452015年辞旧岁徽章
日期:2015-03-03 16:54:15羊年新春福章
日期:2015-02-26 08:47:552015年亚洲杯之卡塔尔
日期:2015-02-03 08:33:45射手座
日期:2014-12-31 08:36:51水瓶座
日期:2014-06-04 08:33:52天蝎座
日期:2014-05-14 14:30:41天秤座
日期:2014-04-21 08:37:08处女座
日期:2014-04-18 16:57:05戌狗
日期:2014-04-04 12:21:33技术图书徽章
日期:2014-03-25 09:00:29
4 [报告]
发表于 2014-06-18 21:49 |只看该作者
韩永忠 发表于 2014-06-18 16:55
回复 2# humjb_1983

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