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New MacBook Pros launching as soon as next week at current price points [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-10-21 21:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Last week we exclusively reported that the current line of MacBook Pros is severely constrained and that part numbers for a new MacBook Pro line had surfaced. Based on these similar internal part numbers, the new MBP’s design should be the same as the current design.

Now, we’ve received pricing for the new laptops and the prices for each unit are the same as the prices for the current generation.

With supplies only becoming more constrained, and with shipments already touching down in select countries, we think a launch next week is likely (between Tuesday and Thursday). That is, of course, if there are no unforeseen circumstances. Thanks Mr. X!

One more thing… after the break:

We’ve also heard that a modified AirPort Express with updated wireless chips (same design, pricing) is in the pipeline, but we don’t have firm launch info.
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